Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir


Exiles in Babylon. 

God’s Word to them felt deeply personal to us. During a particularly violent and unsettling season.

People were leaving our city. Families sent back to their home countries. Anti-American sentiment had ramped up more than ever. 

Should we leave? 

At one point my dad—who never, ever tried to interfere or direct us in any way—wrote “In my daily Bible study I keep seeing the words, ‘Flee Babylon…flee Babylon.” (Jeremiah 49:30; 50:8,16; 51:6)

Exiles. Image by Shahrukh Rehman on Unsplash.
Devotional Memoir

True love

It was a last-minute wedding. An unforgettable event. Singing about true love. And walking through the unexpected. 

 The love song put me and my guitar there that day. In the old sanctuary with its stained glass windows and antique pews. 

The church secretary had called a few days before.

A young couple was engaged to be married. The young man had just received military orders and would be shipped out the following week. So they’d decided to get married that weekend. Would I sing? 

Photo by sweet ice cream photography via Unsplash