You reveal mystery in the quiet, often.
Hard won in certain seasons. Mere breaths of time when children are young. Random moments, captured here and there.
But out of necessity, we take them. Make time. And draw near.

You reveal mystery in the quiet, often.
Hard won in certain seasons. Mere breaths of time when children are young. Random moments, captured here and there.
But out of necessity, we take them. Make time. And draw near.
Three years ago this month, I took a deep breath. Then pushed the “go online” button. And launched a website.
Writing one blogpost every week. Stepping into many unknowns. Figuring out voice, style, content. Technology.
And I’m still learning. With 158 posts and counting.
So, shout out to Thanksgiving week. A good time to say thank you. I’m incredibly grateful.
The memory comes back. Distinct. Clear. From 1972. One hot, humid afternoon in Kediri, Indonesia.
I’m just arriving at our home. After being away for high school a couple of months. In Jakarta.
Standing outside. Reaching for the handle of the screen door. And suddenly a subconscious map surfaces. One I never knew was there.
A map of presence. Home and those who belong in it.
Without warning, the realization of deep loss hits. Full force. There’s an empty space on that map.
The place where my sister Ann has always been.
Grief. Tangible.