
Divided heart

A divided heart leads to ruin. Fragmented loyalties weaken resolve. 

Consider Solomon. Wise beyond his years. Or anyone else’s.

The divine instructions are detailed. Laid out so clearly. In two recorded encounters with his Maker. (1 Kings 3 and 9)

But he fools around. 
Taking careless, measured steps. 
Away from wholehearted devotion. 

Undivided heart. Psalm 86:11.
Devotional Making Disciples

Someone else’s surrender

Someone else’s surrender will not do. David knows this. 

Thank you, Araunah, but “I will not offer to the Lord my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing.” (2 Samuel 24:18-25)

He buys the threshing floor, the oxen. For a price. Then builds an altar and makes the offerings to God.

Each of us must consider the cost of following Christ. And someone else’s surrender will not do.

Surrender. Image by Jon Tyson on Unsplash.
Devotional Memoir

Heart and soul

In the realm of heart and soul,
You ask for all.
Hands open,
I give the
incomplete all
that I know.
You receive.
Tenderly. Welcoming
broken parts,
scattered pieces
of a repentant,
You save the sin-sick soul.

Heart and soul. Image by Debby Hudson on Unsplash.