Devotional Memoir


Refuge. In the tropical afternoons of my childhood. 

I’m sitting on soft dirt. Amid twisted roots. Under a canopy of thick, intertwined bougainvillea branches growing by the backyard fence. 

Shelter. From unrelenting sun. 

Shade. For afternoon play with plastic teacups and bowls. A plentiful supply of leaves and blossoms within reach. 

The secret place where I can rest. And just be. 

Refuge from hot sun under the bougainvillea. Image by me.
Devotional Making Disciples

Winter trees

Winter trees. In crisp air at dawn. Stark. Branches bare. Empty.

The fog drifts in.

As I walk in fading darkness, I think about friends and family members who are suffering.

Standing weary. In the fog of impossible circumstances. Living with ongoing crisis. Conflict. Some with never-ending pain. 

Cold and unrelenting winds whip through the lives of these loved ones.

And I ask how to pray. 

What is His way for trees in winter?

Winter trees. Image by Simon Berger on Unsplash.


Engraved by diamond point. 
Written with iron stylus. 
On the tablets of their hearts 
and ours. 
Jeremiah 17:1

Cut diamond. Image by Dimitris Christou on Pixabay.