Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir

Unexpected ways

Unexpected ways. How He pierces hearts. Pursues the lost lamb.

Opens eyes to see. And ears to hear.

During our years in a desert city, a believer shares her story. Tells me the very moment she turned and followed Christ. 

Reading Scripture. And not the usual evangelistic passage.

But pointing to the One who is worthy of our praise. 

Unexpected ways. Image by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir

Earthen vessel

Through the years, Paul’s description rings true. God forms the earthen vessel for a purpose.

To display His truth. Reveal His glory. 

Somewhere along the way 2 Corinthians 4:7 becomes a life verse for me. A reminder of my weakness and His strength. What I’m here for.

But one year, I wrestle with that image. In a new way. Because someone I always consider strong is suddenly weak. 

Earthen vessel. Image by Random Institute on Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir

My mother

One of the strongest, most determined women I know. And funny. My mother. 

A devoted follower of Christ. And gifted teacher. Mom and grandmother (Nani).

Countless are the ways her life impacts mine. And every time I try to put it down on paper, I fall short of words. 

But we’re celebrating her 90th birthday this week.

So, here goes. Some personal thoughts and memories. 

O give thanks to the Lord, Mom. Great things He has done!

My mother. 2021.