

Notes in the margin of my Bible. Next to Psalm 40:8-10. And words penned carefully on a back page. 

Detailing an impression of His instruction. 

“A calling to speak, proclaim, communicate, write. About Your righteousness, faithfulness, salvation, love, truth.” 

Later, I express it in a succinct mission statement.

“To communicate Your glory in spoken or written word.”  

Communicate His glory. Image by Christin Hume on Unsplash.
Devotional Making Disciples Memoir

Stone hearts

Soul exhaustion sets in. Unexpected. 

Byproduct from observing those who scorn the cross. And reject the gospel.

Stone heart resistance catches my breath. 

So, I pray.

Stone hearts. Image by Andy Makely on Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Memoir

New patterns

During our second month in Pakistan, our family of three traveled north to Murree. For a month of intensive language learning and cross-cultural adjustment. 

We stayed in one of several flats (apartments) that made up an old house on the side of the mountain. 

And began learning new patterns for living.

Language study. Shopping for groceries. Cooking with new ingredients. Boiling our drinking water. Washing clothes and hanging them on the line.

Breathing fresh mountain air eased the adjustments. New friends helped us find our way. 

Murree. 1992.