Devotional Making Disciples Memoir


Worship. In a small house group, I watch one woman sing with such joy. Tears, even. 

Midlife at the time, I’ve fallen into unhealthy patterns.  Critiquing content and structure. Or impatience with those leading in services and retreats. 

Prideful. And forgetting priority. 

Losing focus of the One we worship.

Worship. Image by Priscilla du Preez on Unsplash.
Devotional Making Disciples

Uninvited fears

Uninvited fears press against the window. 

And slip in through the cracks.

Seeping into the throng of thoughts populating our minds. 

Hitching themselves to “what if’s” and “why’s” and “how’s.”

Uninvited fears. Image by Some Tale on Unsplash.
Devotional Making Disciples

River of life

Living water flows out through the east gate. In Ezekiel’s vision.

Getting larger. Deeper. The further he walks. 

Fruitful, leafy trees line this ever-growing river of life. Providing for the needs of the people.

And revealing what’s to come.

River flowing through a city. 2023.