Devotional Making Disciples

Open to His Word

In our first meeting, I described how a follower of Jesus sets aside time and space every day for focused communion with the Lord. This conversation on abiding continues each time we meet. We talk about the soul’s need for daily food from the Word of God. And how to come with minds and hearts open to the Truth of Scripture. About the importance of waiting and listening as we pray.

Open hearts

There’s a prayer written multiple times with several variations in my journals. Simple and basic.  “Lord, open my eyes that I may see. Open my ears that I may hear. Open my heart to obey Your Word today.”



The weight on my heart is not a frantic, anxious weight. It’s the weight of prayer.  Prayer for my dear friend who is suffering. She wades through deep waters in this season.  Crushed.

Olives in the detail around a Jerusalem Cross. Bethlehem 2010

Crying out to You the hurt. The upheaval. The unknown.

And yet, even there she speaks of Your faithfulness. Even there, Your word sustains. Daily manna, she says. And ponders what the God of the impossible can do. 

“If we believe He is who He says He is, how can we not hope?”

Crossing Cultures Devotional

Temporary nest

The birds swoop down toward me. Splattered mud of last year’s temporary nest still stains the corner under the roof of our patio. We’ve tried to deter them. A long rope of brass bells from India hangs from a nail nearby. I watch them pull at the strands of the rope. Loudly protesting this intrusion. 

Photo Credit: rithban Flickr via Compfight cc

They try a new location. In the opposite corner. Instinct rules and they will not be stopped. We pile something in this new spot. Our attempt at a scarecrow.  We wait to see whether they’ll leave for another place. 

They’re obnoxious. All the chattering and swooping makes the back patio an unpleasant experience. But I know it’s how they’re wired. It’s time for nest making. Go home.