Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir


Hands in the dishwater. Scrubbing pot, pan, plates. 

And the way of Brother Lawrence comes to mind. “Practicing the presence of God” in the midst of the mundane. 

Speaking thanks in the ordinary helps me. To learn this way. 

Practicing thankfulness prompts me. To notice His presence in common tasks and everyday occurrences. All along the daily path.

And the possibilities are endless. Leading me to look upward and outward.

“Let us enter His presence with thanksgiving…”
Psalm 95:2 CSB

Dishes, washed. India. Image by Ricky Singh on Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir


Travel plans so carefully made. Flights scheduled and booked.

Anticipating long-delayed reunions. After many covid19 restrictions. Requirements. Roadblocks.

Then, sudden uncertainty. Again. 

Everything is up in the air. 

Like the autumn leaves outside my window. Scattering in the wind. Landing who knows where.

Uncertainty. Travel plans up in the air. Image by Nicole Geri on Unsplash.

Look up

Dawn. And I’m walking on a path interrupted by roots. Stumbling on acorns hidden beneath fallen leaves. 

The way feels uneven. 


I can’t look up. In the grey. Before full light reveals. 

Path interrupted. Image by Anton Atanasov on Unsplash.