Devotional Memoir

Be anxious for nothing

Anxious thoughts. Skirting the edges. Almost incognito. 

Fears. Simmering just below the surface.

Concerns for loved ones and various situations. Rippling through as world crises ramp up. 

Then, His Word. Memorized long ago. Invades with precision. Cutting through the muddle.

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God” (Philippians 4:6 NASB).

“Be anxious for nothing….” Image by Jeremy Yap, Unsplash.
Devotional Making Disciples

Seek His face

Seek His face.

During a three-year famine, David inquires of the Lord. Literally—David seeks the face of the Lord. 

In the midst of difficulty and dryness. When things seem not as they should be. I wrestle with the whys.

Then remember. 

“Seek the Lord and His strength;
seek His face always” (1 Chronicles 16:11).

Seek His face. Image by Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash.
Devotional Making Disciples



Once again, Moses stands at the foot of Sinai. Also known as Horeb. 

This time he’s not alone with the sheep.

But with a multitude. Led out of captivity.

A disobedient, fickle flock.

“Please let me see Your glory.” Image by Raimond Klavins, Unsplash.