Devotional Memoir

No rush

No rush. 

Permission granted. To turn off tech. 

Leave the non-stop. 


No rush. Pennsylvania 2023

Embrace the quiet

We read. Study. Embrace the quiet. And nature’s orchestra.

Hummingbirds whirr and chatter. Crickets chirp. And an underlying buzz vibrates through the air. Woodpeckers’ stoccato joins in here and there.

Mountain air. Refreshing.

And we look out across the valley. Resting our eyes on distant hills. 

Let go

Stillness. Nowhere to rush off to. And after a while, no busy thoughts to corral into order.

Just peace.

In the no-rush of three full days, serenity drifts in. Deadlines fade. 

I let go of expectations.

Not leaving them hanging in the air. But placing them where they need to be in the first place. His hands.


Reading a book about spiritual disciplines written decades ago, I’m reminded. There have always been opportunities to rush.

Pre-smart phones and computers, people still lived frantic. Frazzled. Struggling to be still and listen. 

It’s just exponentially more complicated and loud today. In your face.

If we let it be.

No rush

Lord, help me to embrace consistent times of solitude. Silence.

To learn the rhythm of trust. 

Releasing loud cries of immediacy. To the One who holds time in His hands.

Whose Word speaks again. And again.

“Wait for the Lord….Yes, wait for the Lord” (Psalm 27:14).

No rush.

“Yet those who wait for the Lord
Will gain new strength;
They will mount up with wings like eagles,
They will run and not get tired,
They will walk and not become weary.”
Isaiah 40:31 NASB

What about you?

Do you take time for extended times of solitude? Silence? What has the Lord taught you in this discipline?

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8 replies on “No rush”

Great word, Susan. Your descriptions are perfect to allow the reader to hear the quiet. Glad you two are getting away. Just starting reading John Mark Comer’s book The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry. Good stuff – your blog. His book.

The only poem I’ve ever written was during a silent retreat many years ago. Even with many opportunities for silence, I sometimes fill it with needless noise. My heart craves quiet and nature and for me those are my favourite moments!

Peter and I just had a 24 hour (mostly) silence and solitude retreat at home. And I read this afterwards! It’s a blessing to be still and know that he is God.

As my grandma used to say, “a word to the wise” – so appropriate for today and tomorrow! Blessings and may God grant you your heart’s desire to be with him (me too). Love, Susan Wingate

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