Devotional Making Disciples

First word, His Word

Alarm sounds. Stumble out of bed. Half asleep.

Then, habit kicks in. First word, His Word. 

Simple practice. Way of life. Necessary.

And not something I can take for granted. Because distraction is always at the door.

First word, His Word. Image by Sixteen Miles Out on Unsplash.

Back in the day

In college, I heard someone say, “Read the Word of God before you read the morning news.” 

As in, newspaper. Delivered before dawn. Literally at the door. Or in the yard.

First thing in the morning, we retrieved it. Glanced at headlines.

Back in the day, this was a thing. Daily. 

And now? What’s a newspaper? Pretty rare.


But today, distraction is still at the door. 

An oblong piece of technology. Smart phone. Plugged in next to the bed. Or nearby table. 

Its screen lights up if I reach for it. 

Glows in the dark.Vibrates. Hums. Demanding attention.

And when I deliberately or absentmindedly open said phone? Digression begins.

Mindless habit

It starts with checking just one item. 

But just one thing leads to another. And another. Until I forget why I opened it in the first place.

Bits and pieces of information drifting. Racing. Through my brain.

Interesting how this mindless habit shapes. And fragments. Redirecting attention. Rapidly.

First word, His Word


Until reality. 

Until reality of distraction hits. Calls me up short. 

First word, His Word.

Not some random news item. Or quotable. Not the latest from a plethora of people I have some close or distant connection with.

No. His Word. Before anything else.


Some legalistic rule? 

No, a needful practice. For seeking first the Lord of all.

Scripture. Teaching me Who He is. And what He does.

This simplicity of priority orders my day. And life.

His truth. Transforming my thinking and practice.

Leading to focus. Purpose. Well-being.

A lamp for my feet

So I’ll continue fighting the mindless habit for the true. 

Remembering His Word is a lamp for my feet in the dark. 

And a light for my path in the grand scheme of things. Teaching me His glorious way. 

Above all. In all. And through all.

First word, His Word.

What about you?

Do you struggle with distraction? What helps you seek Him first before everything else?

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5 replies on “First word, His Word”

Exactly so in my world as well. I’m single, retired and have greater discretion with my time from days of employment, but it is still a daily challenge. Technology is certainly a stumbling block. Even using Bible apps, calendar reminders and notifications pop up. Thanks for sharing ‘first word, His Word’!

When i travel I use my Kindle app instead of carrying a printed Bible. It is hard to ignore notifications on other apps!
Sometimes I just shut off the wifi.

A good word. The phone is the first thing I grab in the morning, but the Lord has been convicting me more and more about this bad habit. Now that I’m retired, I’ve started walking before my quiet time (before the heat), but I need to think more about what I listen to as I walk. Thanks for the extra nudge.

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