Devotional Making Disciples Memoir


Once a year, I see it. 

Visual of my blindspots.

Patterns of grey and black mapped out on a screen in the ophthalmologist’s office. 

In life, blindspots can creep in. And continue. Unnoticed. Never addressed. 

Endangering vision and obedience.

Blindspots. Image by Kalea Jerielle on Unsplash.

Deeper look

In 2010, I keep thinking there’s something grey in my peripheral vision. 

Regular pressure tests for glaucoma don’t raise alarms. 

But then the doctor takes a deeper look. At the optic nerve. She sees signs of deterioration. 

In both eyes. 

And puts me on special eye drops that I take to this day. Holding tunnel vision and blindness at bay.


Every year, I take a visual field test.  

Looking straight ahead into the machine, I focus on one central point. Then, press a button anytime the slightest pinpoint of light appears in my peripheral vision. 

Sometimes in the midst of concentrating, I forget to breathe. And everything goes black.

“Breathe,” the technician says. 

When my vision clears, I’m wondering, “Did I miss something?”


As in my experience with glaucoma, blindspots can grow in everyday life. At first, unnoticed. Unaddressed, they lead to tunnel vision. And eventually, blindness.

Examining our hearts before the Lord is necessary for healthy spiritual vision. Spending daily time with Him in prayer and the Word helps us pause and breathe. Regular fellowship with other members of the Body encourages and keeps us accountable.

Staying our focus on what is most important. 

Revealing His intended design and purpose. 

Showing where we’ve lost sight of what is true. 

Reminding where our help and strength and light come from.

Open my eyes

“Search me, God and know my heart;
test me and know my concerns.
See if there is any offensive way in me;
lead me in the everlasting way.”
Psalm 139:23

“Open my eyes so that I may contemplate
wondrous things from your instruction.”
Psalm 119:18

What about you

How do you address blindspots in your life? How are you taking a deeper look today?

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8 replies on “Blindspots”

I journal during my Bible reading and write out my prayers. I try to read those journal scribbles again at the end of a few months. It helps me focus on the answers God gave me, even when I didn’t see them immediately.

It’s easier to find blind spots in others than ourselves, yet so humbling when they are highlighted. Thanks for this reminder!

Thanks for this reminder, Susan! Starting a study with some folks, “Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands.” Tripp says we need humility to allow our brothers and sisters to point out when we have a blind spot. It can be hard to hear, but we need each other.

I would love to hear from you!

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