Little one. Growing in the dark confines of the womb.
Moving, turning, kicking, squirming.
And, one day, fighting the push through the birth canal.
Born into a bright new world.

Our grandson lands in the hands of his father. Then, he’s placed on the warm skin of his mother.
It’s so hard to open his eyes at first. So hard in the brilliance of even the softest light.
But he adjusts. Day by day.
Living. Breathing.
Seeing with newly opened eyes.
Born again
Believers are born again. Into a living hope. Coming out of darkness into His wonderful light.
Sometimes we blink at the brilliance. Adjusting to all that is new.
But we’re held. Comforted. Sustained. In the arms of the Father. Learning and growing by the pure milk of the Word.
Held close. Our new identity sealed for eternity.
Abide in Christ
The cord of old ways is cut when we’re born. It shrivels. And is thrown away. For in Christ we live and move and have our being. (Acts 17:28)
Daily we learn to walk. Abiding in Christ. Through His Word. In prayer. As part of a Family. Together.
We find our way on His path. On bright days and dark. Struggling, stretching, stumbling, seeking. Living in the world, but not of it.
We grow. In purpose. And contentment. Seeing ever more clearly: we are weak but He is strong.
Obeying His commands and making disciples, we serve Him this day. In the already.
While at the same time knowing we’re on our way. To the not yet.
A place beyond our comprehension. Face to face with our Savior.
Someday we will breathe the air of a new heaven and a new earth. And truly see.
O glorious day.
Brighter than the sun.
What about you?
What do you remember about the day you were born again into a living hope? How has this changed your daily life?
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4 replies on “Born”
We sang “Hymn of Heaven” yesterday and I was overcome by the image of 1,000 generations singing praises! As a destination, how exciting! And to think that He intended it from the day He created Adam…then called out to me thousands of years later! I remember the day I first heard His voice and all these decades later I can see how He has taught me and showed me the way. To think that even now (in my middle age & grey hair) that He still holds me in His arms – it is incredible!
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing, sister. And “Hymn of Heaven” ❤️ fills me with awe of Him.
Beautiful insights into being born again and moving from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light. 🥰
Thank you, my friend😊😊