Enemy at the gate. In our everyday lives. Enemy of our souls–the deceiver.
Making promises that entice. Feeding our longing for things to be easy. Comfortable.
Highlighting our fears of future unknowns. Making us wonder about God’s good purpose. His ordained plan.
Sometimes it’s tempting to give in to the lie. What sounds better. Almost true.

Enemy at the gate
Enemy at the gate during the reign of Hezekiah was an Assyrian king.
Promises he made to the people of Jerusalem sounded good. And so familiar to their ears.
Like the very words of the Lord.
A formidable adversary saying they could eat from their own vine and fig tree. And promising a future place strangely similar to “a land flowing with milk and honey” (Exodus 3:8).
Casting doubt
Sennacherib’s royal spokesman spoke so that all could hear.
“Don’t listen to Hezekiah, for this is what the king of Assyria says: ‘Make peace with me and surrender to me. Then each of you may eat from his own vine and his own fig tree, and each may drink water from his own cistern until I come and take you away to a land like your own land—a land of grain and new wine, a land of bread and vineyards, a land of olive trees and honey—so that you may live and not die. But don’t listen to Hezekiah when he misleads you, saying, ‘The Lord will rescue us’” (2 Kings 18:31-32).
Enemy at the gate. Powerful. Intimidating. Yet talking to them in their own language. Speaking provision for what was lacking. And detailing all they might lose in a battle.
Casting doubt on their king.
Casting doubt on the Lord God Almighty.
His promises
On that day, the people under Hezekiah’s reign did not give an inch to the enemy. They listened to their king’s command. And kept silent.
We too must trust and obey our King in the dark. When we feel surrounded. Overwhelmed.
Even when things appear bleak. Hopeless.
We refuse to respond and give in to the deceiver. Instead, we turn our eyes to Jesus: the Author and Finisher of our faith.
His promises are true.
“But the Lord is faithful; he will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one…. May the Lord direct your hearts to God’s love and Christ’s endurance” (2 Thessalonians 3:3,5).
“Because of the Lord’s faithful love
we do not perish,
for his mercies never end.
They are new every morning;
great is Your faithfulness!
I say, ’The Lord is my portion,
therefore I will put my hope in Him.’”
Lamentations 3:22-24
What about you?
Have you ever been tempted to believe the lie? How has the Lord strengthened you in the dark?
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Promise – Someday – Uninvited fears – Listing losses – Safest place – Be anxious for nothing –
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4 replies on “Enemy at the gate”
Every Sunday I look forward to reading what you wrote. It’s always good! But this one is exceptionally so. Oh, that we always believed God’s goodness rather than Satan’s lies.
Amen. I thank the Lord for you and every remembrance of those times you and Von came alongside us and encouraged us in the battle.
We discussed the eternal choices that we face during our study on Sunday. It was obvious to me that eternity with God is better than eternal condemnation. But the deceiver doesn’t show that side!
Yes, he certainly aims to lure with what is only temporary and cast doubt on the eternal truths of our King. Thanks for sharing!