

“I promise.”

Absolute guarantee. 

Lifetime warranty. 

Permanent agreement. 

These vows we hear at every turn and transaction.

And, after a while, find ourselves taking them with a grain of salt. As they say. 

I promise. Image by Sebastian Herrmann on Unsplash.

Limited effect

Those assurances in person and on paper have limited effect.

Because companies go bankrupt. 

Institutions don’t last.

Stores fail. 

And promises in this world are eventually broken. Lost. Forgotten. Obsolete.

That’s for sure.

Better promise

But the better promise whispers through Hebrews. Repeating “once for all time” so the first readers hear this truth. Again and again.

Differing from all they’ve ever known in law and ritual. Rising above their regulations and traditions. 

This sacrifice. 

This salvation. 

Surpassing everything that’s gone before. And anything that could come after. 

Sealed promise

No ordinary spotless lamb. Unlike those selected in the past.

No annual offering. Year after year after year.

No shedding of blood on repeat.

No, the blood of this perfect Lamb is offered. Once and for all. On the cross. At one particular moment in history.

And the promise is sealed. For eternity.

Glory, glory, hallelujah.

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4 replies on “Promise”

So comforting! The One who promised is eternal and without limits – so His promise will never fail!

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