Devotional Memoir

Ocean roar

Ocean roar in winter. Loud. Waves cross. Crash. Deep blues and teals mixing. Mingling. Foaming white.

Gale-force winds whip through. Scattering sand. Tearing at the water. And me. 

Power on display.

And I am a mere whisper. Hushed.

Ocean roar. Image by Cesar Couto on Unsplash.


The sun presses against clouded sky. Radiant orb softly visible through white.

I walk closer to the water. And wet sand gives way beneath my feet. Pulling me down.

Sheer effort exerted against this weight brings me to a standstill. 

Planted. Wind pushing full force. Over. Around. Through me.

I listen in the loud. 


All other sounds drowned out.

Shaking the air

It takes me back to my childhood. In the tropics. And a beach in Bali. 

Magnificent waves curling. Sparkling in brilliant sun. Sweeping up all the water from shore. 

Shells rolling fast toward the deep.

Then, ocean falling hard. Pounding sand. Shaking the air with its sound.

His greatness

On the shore, I wait. In the presence of our Maker.



Awed by His greatness. And assured. Deeply.

With Him, I am safe.

Ocean roar

Standing in wind and spray, I know. And rest. In the reality of my security. 

The Author of the ocean roar wrote my salvation at the cross and empty tomb. 

Resurrection power. Changing everything.

And I am His. Forever.


“Now to Him who is able to protect you from stumbling and to make you stand in the presence of His glory, without blemish and with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, power, and authority before all time, now and forever. Amen.”
Jude 24-25

What about you?

Where do you sense your smallness and His greatness? How has He reminded you of His power?

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8 replies on “Ocean roar”

Ocean… power… yes! But also love. There was a beach just barely into West Java where (according to my globe) there was no land between it and the south pole if you drew a straight line. So close to the equator all the way to the pole. As the waves came thundering in I could hear the Welch tune to ‘Oh the Deep Deep Love of Jesus.’

The ocean teaches us so much about our God.

There is something about the unceasing waves that brings my heart peace! Living on an island, I want to hear waves more often! But the silence of early morning walks is most often my reminder of His presence.

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