Rhythm and order. Discipline. With a pattern specifically laid out for God’s people in the Old Testament.
Daily. Weekly. Monthly. Annually.
With sacrifices. Sacred assemblies. Festivals.
Divinely-designed schedules. Reminding them to remember. And honor the Lord their God.
As a people set apart for His glory.

Regular rhythm
Since the cross and resurrection of Christ, we no longer live under the restrictions and mandates and bloody requirements of sacrifice and burnt offerings.
But their records in the Old Testament help me see a God who knows my need for structure. In the face of forgetfulness. And ever-multiplying distractions.
Establishing a regular rhythm of rest and worship gives life. Teaching me to breathe. And rely on Him.
He shows the way. And steadies my steps.
Daily Scripture
Daily I draw near to God and seek the wisdom of His Word. Meditating on His truth.
This daily bread authentically sustains and strengthens my soul through the work of the Spirit.
Without a regular diet of Scripture, I lose sight of what I’m truly hungry for.
Daily prayer
Daily I practice ongoing communication with the Lord through prayer.
Adoration turns my eyes to who He is.
Confession reminds me of my weakness and need.
Thanksgiving lifts my heart. As I recount His ways and the works of His hands.
Supplication bows my head in humility. Opens my hands to the Father. As I ask. Voicing everything from personal struggles to world-wide needs.
Weekly fellowship
Weekly we gather with fellow believers in our local body of believers. The locations differ: a church building in some places, a home (including our own) in others. But the patterns are similar.
We sing hymns and spiritual songs together. Study the Word and hear it preached. Witness baptisms. Share the Lord’s Supper. Pray for one another.
Sometimes we enjoy laughter and conversation over a meal.
We need each other. He made that clear. In the very way He designed His Church. Various parts forming the whole.
Monthly focus
A practice helpful to me in recent years is the personal spiritual retreat. Monthly or bi-monthly.
It means setting aside a couple of hours. A half day. Or a day. Away from regular responsibilities.
And spending time alone with the Lord. With intentional focus.
Various optional components make this a valuable time. Here are a few ideas:
- Extended times of silence and listening
- Meditating on a passage or verse of Scripture
- Going for a hike to enjoy creation
- Reading a Christian classic/devotional
- Reading the autobiography/biography of a spiritual leader
- Creating something (with clay, paper, paint, pens, or wood, etc.)
- Prayer journaling
- Reflecting on the past month and looking forward to the next
Annual retreat
The pattern God gave His people in the Old Testament included an annual “retreat” of sorts. In temporary shelters built for the occasion.
Away from home. Away from normal routine.
In various countries and here in the U.S. I’ve participated in annual retreats with other believers.
Away from home. Away from normal routine.
These involve corporate worship with singing, prayer, and teaching from Scripture. Meeting others over meals or for afternoon walks. Recreation and relaxation together.
These days away refresh my heart. Remind me of the bigger picture. And strengthen ties with others in the Body.
Rhythm and order
The longer I know Him, the more I see. Rhythm and order set me free.
Keeping my heart and mind on course. In tune.
Daily abiding. Weekly fellowship. Monthly times of refreshing. Annual retreats.
And it all begins quite matter-of-factly.
Through simple disciplines. Daily habits.
Walking by faith with the One who knows the way.
What about you?
What helps you maintain a rhythm of rest and worship? What are some life-giving disciplines you practice?
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4 replies on “Rhythm and order”
It is odd experience to read one’s on personal testimony written by someone else and simply “amen” – “amen” as you read it. It is harder to do the “annual” retreat one now when limited by age and not having the freedom of driving, but the rest remain. For the first time, I am going to ask Vance how to forward something I read on the computer to my family. THANK YOU, my dear m.k. niece.
I look forward to reading this. You and a number of other treasured mentors in my life have taught me what it looks like to live by faith, relying on His Word and prayer daily. Thank you!
In yesterday’s gathering someone said “Worship makes God BIG in your life!” And this post affirms it! How blessed we are to have believers and community! Thank you!
Yes, we are blessed! Thanks for sharing 😊