Pages torn out of old journals rest in my hands. Stapled together. Written by my father at 28 and 29. Newly arrived on the field overseas.
Entries penned in precise style. Possibly with the Parker ink pen I can picture in my mind. Dad’s writing instrument of choice for years.
He turns 90 this month. And this window into his thoughts over 60 years ago reveal the foundation of a life wholeheartedly committed to his Lord.
No ordinary life.

My grandmother once told me her part of the story. Their first child, a son, was stillborn. In the midst of her grief, she prayed and told the Lord if their next child lived, she would dedicate him to the Lord. For His service.
Then their next child was born. And lived. My dad.
She had no idea the Lord would send her only child far, far away. With his family—including their only grandchildren. To serve on mission halfway around the world.
But she remembered her promise.
And on November 8, 1950, her son repented and believed the gospel during his freshman year at Baylor University. After going forward during a tent revival meeting on campus.
His life would never be the same.
The student who led him to faith encouraged Dad to spend an hour a day reading the Word and praying. He suggested several books in the Bible to start with.
Most were in the New Testament.
But in January 1951, Dad began reading the book of Isaiah.
For the very first time.
His call
On January 25, he walked across the hall and asked a friend. Again. “How did you know you were called to preach?”
You will just know, the friend said.
Dad walked back to his room and began reading his chapter for that evening. Isaiah 6.
He didn’t get past verse 8.
“And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?’ Then I said, ‘Here am I! Send me.’”
Here am I
In that very moment, through the words of the prophet Isaiah, he sensed God was speaking. Assuring him of His call to full-time service.
Later that spring, during Missions Emphasis Week, several missionaries who had been forced out of China were speaking.
Dad entered the auditorium on the first night and saw a large banner stretched across the stage: “Here Am I. Send Me.”
And for the first time he wondered if God might be leading him to serve overseas.
Send me
Today I read an entry. Written by Dad on April 6, 1961. In Bangkok, Thailand.
“The Bible reading today, Isaiah 6:1-8 brought back memories of that night of January 25, 1951, when I first read this passage, and the Lord used it to assure me that He was calling or directing me to preach, full-time.
“The challenge I receive is to take time to see and hear the Lord and to say, ‘Here am I, send me’ each day.”
Each day. Learning how to “live sent.” Always.
No ordinary life
Visas for Indonesia were not forthcoming. But he daily relied on the Word of God and prayer.
August 15, 1961: “Nahum 1:3 is encouraging. ‘The Lord is…great in power…hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of His feet.’ He is omnipotent in all things, even this entry to Indonesia.”
At another time, still waiting. Struggling to feel motivated in the temporary place of service. On August 31, 1961, he wrote, “I forget this is God’s work. When we move on, He will still be my General Manager. I am always responsible first to Him….”
And this. “I pray that You will save me from being ordinary in my life and work for You, Lord.”
His has been no ordinary life. But faithful obedience through it all. Storms and whirlwinds included.

The Word of God
Scripture memory became part of his walk with the Lord as brothers from the Navigators discipled him in college. He, in turn, would disciple others.
April 4, 1961: “I am grateful to the Lord for speaking to me concerning Scripture memory through Proverbs 3:1-3 yesterday and Proverbs 4:20-21 today. I determined by His grace to be faithful regardless of cost in getting 3 a week and reviewing daily.”
On November 3, 1961. At the beginning of their journey to Indonesia. “As we flew, my heart was blessed in reading 2 Peter…especially 2 Peter 1:3. ‘His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us to His own glory and excellence.’”
Along with Romans 3:23, 2 Peter 1:3 was one of the first verses he memorized in the Indonesian language. I remember seeing his Scripture memory cards. In both languages.
This discipline allowed Scripture to flow through and speak into his life. His and Mom’s commitment to the Word of God has greatly influenced their children and so many others along the way.
The Holy Spirit
Dad also recognized the need to be filled with the Presence of Christ, the Holy Spirit.
April 5, 1961:“‘He is Here’—a plaque with these words used to hang in the dorm room of Waylon Moore at seminary. Proverbs 5:21 points out the need and rich reward of practicing the Presence of Jesus Christ. He is always present and knows my ways.”
A later entry noted, “It is true the Spirit of God moves as He wills, and I cannot plan or choose the circumstances or events which accompany His coming in power. However, I alone can give permission for the obstacles of sin to be removed from my life in order to open the way for Him to fill me.” (January 16, 1962)
In His Presence
On March 25, 1962, he reflected on events of the past year.
“One evening we stood within three steps of the King and Queen of Thailand.
“One afternoon we waited at an airport for two hours just to shake hands with Bob Kennedy and say ‘We’re glad you have come to Indonesia.’
“Everyday we can sit, kneel, stand, lie, walk in the Presence of the Lord Jesus Christ—King of kings and Lord of lords.”
Walking by faith
Dad and mom spent 29 years overseas. Then served at the mission board’s home office for 10 years.
After retirement they’ve continued ministering through their church and in their community.
Still running the race. And humbly serving their Lord and King.
Happy birthday, Dad! O praise the name of the Lord our God.

What about you?
What are the foundations of your walk with Christ today? Who first taught you about abiding in Christ through prayer and the Word?
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23 replies on “No ordinary life”
A precious tribute to your dad. To have an earthly father that models the life devoted is a blessing indeed. May he have a very happy birthday.
Thank you, Carol. Looking forward to seeing you soon 😊
Me too! We need to catch up!
Thanks so much for this post. It reminds me and confirms again my own call and how scripture played a big role in that call, not just initially but throughout 30 years of service with many changes and bumps. I needed to hear your godly father’s words and the verses that influenced him!
Thanks for sharing, Suzanne. It’s always encouraging and strengthening for me too—to hear how He’s called and led others in His ways.
I am from Shades Mountain in Birmingham. I love this beautiful post about your dad. What a blessing and legacy. I too have both my parents (92 & 93) who have continued to live a life serving and pointing others to Jesus. A blessing indeed. Even though we only spoke a few times at Shades I don’t think I ever asked you about knowing my cousin Jerry Rankin and his beautiful wife Bobbye and their family. Between Indonesia and Richmond I thought your paths must have crossed. Thank you for your blog….it always speaks to me
Thank you, Jennifer. Yes, Jerry and Bobbye are very dear to me. And close friends of my parents. Bobbye and my mom were prayer partners for many years.
I’m so thankful for your dad. May he have a wonderful birthday! He’s been a great blessing to our lives.
Thanks for sharing, Jennie!
I am so thankful for you Mom and Dad, Susan. They had such an impact on our lives and ministered to us so much through their life and example. Thank you for sharing this.
Thank you, Jenny. Great is His faithfulness!
What a gift to have his journals from the past! And beautifully shared here!
Truly a gift🙌🏼
“Greatly influenced” and he continues to…. A great man of God!
Yes. Thanks for your encouragement to him and Mom through the years.
So delightful and ENCOURAGING! Thank you!
I’m grateful. Praying for you!
Such a sweet tribute to your Dad (& Mom)!
Love them!
Thank you. And they love you!
Susan, thank you for sharing the treasure of your Godly parents through these posts! I was touched, inspired and encouraged! Looking forward to reading more of your well written posts!
Thank you, Carol. I’m incredibly grateful for my parents!
Love this! thanks for posting. Especially love the words about the king and queen and Bob Kennedy and then the Lord. How blessed we are that we can sit in His presence and talk to Him directly.
Amen! Thankful 🙌🏼