Devotional Making Disciples


Borders of inheritance. Precise allotments. Land portions, surveyed and described in detail.

Joshua sent a handful of scouts ahead. Into the promised land.

And they mapped out places for the tribes.

Then cast lots to decide who got what. 

Borders of inheritance. Image by Eli Levit on Unsplash.


These borders ran along the side of a river or the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. 

Marked from a city to slopes of a mountain. Ending at a wilderness. Over a hill. Next to a spring. (see Joshua 18)

The dream. The promise of God’s provision. Longed for.

And coming to fruition. 

Borders of inheritance

Borders of inheritance. Boundary lines.

David saw the true.

“Lord, You are my portion

and my cup of blessing;

You hold my future.

The boundary lines have fallen for me

in pleasant places;

indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.”

Psalm 16:5-6

Your presence

He finishes out the psalm with his true promised land. 

“You reveal the path of life to me;

in Your presence is abundant joy;

at Your right hand are eternal pleasures.”

Psalm 16:11

God’s presence. For eternity.

In Christ

In Christ we find our borders of inheritance. He is our present and future. The place where we dwell forever. 

Our promised land is eternal life. Already and not yet. 

“I go to prepare a place for you” (John 14:2).

Beautiful, indeed.

What about you?

How do these borders of inheritance make a difference in your life today? What are you looking forward to in the future?

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6 replies on “Borders”

Love this analogy, Susan. Truly we do have a blessed inheritance. I find blessing in temporary gifts from him along the way as well–whether it’s flowers blooming in my small garden to an awareness of the privilege of being in Bible study with a group of sisters in Christ. In these ways, I taste and see that the Lord is good, knowing we have an even greater feast to come! I’m mixing analogies, but I think you get the picture. 🙂 Blessings.

In our sermon and small group today, my heart was challenged to abandon the temporal and seek the eternal. This post echoes that challenge. A good meditation!

What a much-needed truth for our world today. So many seeking life don’t know…“You reveal the path of life to me; in Your presence is abundant joy; at Your right hand are eternal pleasures.” Even those who do know are often tempted to lose trust. I look forward to that place of promise untainted by sin. Meanwhile, I’m so thankful for His presence as He directs my path.

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