Devotional Memoir

By design

On Day 5 of covid19, my sense of taste and smell quietly leave. Unnoticed at first. In the onslaught of fever and fatigue.

Now, it’s six months later. 

They haven’t fully returned. 

This loss heightens my awareness of God’s design. Complex and purposeful. 

In the body and the Body.

Senses by His design. Image by Solstice Hannan, Unsplash.

Life without

My friend has long navigated life without the sense of smell. Here in our home country and across the world. 

She says this lack comes in handy when you’re standing next to a garbage dump. On the side of the road. In the heat of the day. 

But it can be dangerous. 

If the meat from the market is rotten. Or there’s a gas leak in the house.


In these past months, without smell or taste, I notice. My body tries to compensate for the loss. Sense of touch leaps into action to keep things interesting. 

Contrasting textures. Crunchy. Chewy.  

The tingle of spice. Edge of sour. 

But cooking is a challenge. I can’t tell if food is flavored correctly. Too much pepper? Too little salt? 

What about the balance of turmeric and cumin and coriander in the curry? 

Detailed parts

Our bodies are fearfully and wonderfully made by God. Detailed parts fulfilling various roles. 

By design.

As it happens, we’re so accustomed to the normal, everyday functioning of our senses—we only see them when they’re absent. Or weakened. 

Somedays the faltering of one part calls for the increase and help of another. 


The Body of Christ is divinely designed as well, of course. Thriving when the many parts work together. 

As believers, we are all journeying together toward eternity. And along the way, the Lord teaches us the art of cooperating with one another. For the health of the Body and the expansion of His Kingdom. 

Here and around the world.

By design

We learn to notice each other. Come alongside.  Help and encourage the weakened parts. Find new ways to work and worship together.

We need each other. By design.

We were made to function together. 

Variety unified for one purpose. 

To glorify our King. 

He is worthy

Today, praise God for the beauty of His strategic design in the Body of Christ.

Take time to see. Those up front and behind the scenes. Notice the unnoticed. 

Rejoice with those who rejoice. Weep with those who weep. Encourage and serve one another. In the Lord.

For He alone is worthy.

“Now as we have many parts in one body, and all the parts do not have the same function, in the same way we who are many are one body in Christ and individually members of one another.”
Romans 12:4-5 CSB

What about you?

Have you watched the Body of Christ operating according to His design? How have other parts of the Body encouraged you along the way?

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6 replies on “By design”

Our sermon was from Ephesians 4 yesterday and I chose songs about unity and the Body. As I prepared, I thought about the lack of unity and the absolute need for God’s Spirit to bind us together.
And not being able to fully smell durian is something I am grateful for!

I lost my sense of smell when I was about 10 years old or so. It was after a major car accident. An ENT physician told me that most of my olfactory nerves were severed. But I thank God that he is good.

Susan, your writing ministry is such a blessing! I look forward to Sundays when my inbox receives the next edition. Also, I feel led to pray that the Lord will restore your sense of smell and taste. 🙏💕

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