Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir

The rest of the story

What happened? In the unknown, we wonder. What’s the rest of the story?

A specific encounter comes to mind. One seemingly orchestrated. Timely. A divine appointment with gospel flowing. 

And genuine interest on her part. Hunger to know. In fact, she relates a series of events. That have brought her to this point. This place. 

Sitting in my Karachi living room.

Next page of the story. Image by Florian Klauer on Unsplash.

Series of events

The year before, someone on the streets of Paris hands her a book. A copy of the New Testament. And she starts reading it. Curious. 

Then her friend calls. Out of the blue. After a chance meeting. And invites her to join us for our weekly study of the Bible. 

She comes late. 

Turns out, she lost the address. So she travels by taxi across the massive city. To the general area where we live. 

Then she stops at house after house. And asks, “Do Christians live here?” Until the gatekeeper says “yes.” And she finds us.

God is at work

We listen to her story. And in conclusion she talks about being on a plateau. Unsure of where she’s going. What’s next.

“Maybe this is where I will find answers.”

But she’s not quite ready that evening. To take the step of faith. To repent and believe the gospel message.

Still. There’s clearly a desire to know more. So rare in our context. God is at work.

We agree to meet again. The following week. To continue the conversation. Then we say goodbye.

And that’s the last time I see her.


I’m not prepared for this.

The next page. Blank. Unfinished. Unknown.

We hear her father moved their family to another city. Suddenly. Unexpectedly.

This takes place when cell phones are not common. Instant contact not established. Social media non-existent. 

One evening of face-to-face listening and sharing is all we had. Did we give her what she needed? I start analyzing what we did and didn’t say.

Questions unsettle my heart. 


Crying out to God, I ask. Why was our encounter so brief? Obviously, our paths crossed for a purpose. But why only one evening?

She seems so close to the Kingdom. But not there. Yet.

I feel helpless. And long to know the rest of the story.

So I pray. For her. For any believers in her new city who might meet her. Somehow. Somewhere.

Enter the conversation

Not long after, my husband and I are sitting in a conference. In another country. The speaker talks about encounters with the lost.

Then Thom shares something that catches my attention. Makes me lean a little closer. Listen more intently.

He says God is already in a conversation with those we meet. We enter the conversation. Share the truth. Speak the gospel. 

Maybe we’re the first they meet. Or the seventh. One of several believers who cross their life path, speaking the Truth. Offering the invitation. To turn and follow the One and Only.

And we don’t always know what happens next.

But He sees. He knows.

The rest of the story

Loud and clear, I hear my responsibility. Obedience. 

  • Continue abiding in Christ, through prayer and the Word.
  • Keep sharing the good news with those I meet.
  • Celebrate the signs that He’s always at work around us.
  • Keep walking His path. By faith.

And simply trust Him. With the rest of the story.

“Pray also for me, that the message may be given to me when I open my mouth to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel.”
Ephesians 6:19

What about you?

Have you ever struggled with the unfinished? When you don’t know “the rest of the story”? How has the Lord encouraged you to trust Him?

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12 replies on “The rest of the story”

I loved this reminder of the fleeting moments in life. Only God can arrange two hearts to match for the purpose of sharing eternal truths at just the right moment. Thank you, Susan

As a numbers person, I really struggle with incomplete things and want to see resolution! Prayers for loved ones to know and follow God that seem unanswered or impossible keep me awake at night. Then suddenly an unexpected call or social media post and I see HE HAS BEEN WORKING! And I’m refreshed to keep praying and sharing and hoping!

Isn’t He good to help us in this way? Showing us that He’s at work? Even when we don’t know the rest of the story, we can be encouraged to persevere in prayer and share the gospel. Thanks for sharing!

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