The crowds follow the fragrance. Looking for bread. Multiplying in His hands.
Fresh bread from the Master draws them. Like hot loaves from the oven.
But then. He speaks. Hard words. Strange to their ears. Threatening their loyalties.

Living bread
Jesus compares Himself to the manna of their ancestors. Except there’s a difference.
“I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread he will live forever. The bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh.” (John 6:51)
I am. I am the living bread.
What? “This teaching is hard. Who can accept it?” They’re offended.
Eat His flesh? Drink His blood? So He’ll raise us on the last day?
Even disciples leave. Turn and walk away.
The new and exciting, suddenly uncomfortable. Too radical. Graphic. Demanding more than they’re ready to give.
The gospel
Sooner or later the gospel draws a line that offends.
People struggle to keep Jesus in the “good teacher” category. The “loving prophet” lane.
Don’t bring up hard sayings. Or His direct rebuke. Don’t mention those undeniable claims that He’s the Son of God.
But there He is. Dying on a cross. Buried in a tomb. Resurrected from the dead. Ascending to Heaven before their very eyes.
God, fully human and fully divine, doesn’t conform to comfortable categories. Or the world’s preconceived compartments.
To whom shall we go?
Jesus turns to the Twelve. “You don’t want to go away too, do you?”
Peter answers. Immediately. With the question that isn’t a question.
“Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we have believed and have come to know, that You are the Holy One of God.”
Taste and see
Yes. This is our question. Where else can we go?
And Peter answers for all who taste. And all who see that the Lord is good.
Holy One of God. Resurrected Savior. Living Bread. We believe!
You have the words of life. And You are our Life. Forever.
What about you?
Do you remember wrestling with the claims of Christ? Have you shared the gospel with those who are offended by the “narrow way”? When did you taste and see that the Lord is good?
Related posts
Hungry for what? – Enter the narrow door – Gospel conversations along the way – The mystery of the gospel – Fragrance – Witness – Come and see – Lost – Resurrection – Living hope – Prodigal redeemed –
6 replies on “Living bread”
Good message Susan. Good reminder that Jesus spoke hard truths and filtered for the faithful. He was not interested in numbers but faithfulness.
Thank you, sister. 🙂
Reading Deuteronomy 32 and it is specific-these are not just idle words, they are your LIFE! If it was true for Israel crossing the Jordan, how much more in 2020??
His plan, His Word is my life and everything else is trimmings, extra, bonus.
Yes! Such an encouragement. Thank you for sharing this, sister.
Early on, I wrestled with sovereignty of God. It was an unshakable reality in Scripture. I didn’t like it. I didn’t like John 6. But God convinced me that His ways are above mine. His wisdom is above mine.
Your writing style is fascinating. Your first sentence keeps me reading every time. Thank you for using your gifts for the glory of God.
Thank you for sharing your story, Chrys. Isn’t He so good to teach us? And take us to a place where we continue to seek Him and know Him, and embrace mystery.
By the way, I had to remove the link because my site kept giving me a strange message. But I hope others will check out your website by searching for “Dwell with Christ.” Appreciate what you and Kim are doing. Praying for you both today, to be strengthened and encouraged in the Lord and His Word.