The realtors come to look at our house. Consider its selling features. Advise on what we must do as we get ready to place it on the market.
We know we need to clear the clutter. But their first comment? “You sure have a lot of books.”

Why, yes. Yes we do.
Then comes the directive.
“Clear out this bookcase and that one and that one. Go ahead and pack those books. Store them out of sight.”
Space and freedom
And so it begins.
Once we start packing or giving away books and other items, we see the house with new eyes. And clear out even more clutter that crowds the corners and fills the side tables.
In the end, nearly every surface is emptied. On the kitchen table sits a simple crystal bowl filled with apples.
Clean, clear lines accentuate space and freedom. Freedom from clutter.
It’s true. People don’t want to see your clutter when they’re trying to imagine where theirs will go.
Clutter in my mind
Some days begin with clutter in my mind. Thoughts about where I’m supposed to be and when. What’s on the grocery list.
Wordless fears for family members that weigh on me.
Concerns about a project that’s due. Emails that fill my inbox.
Pride and prejudice that pop up. Without invitation.
I imagine my Father saying, “You sure have a lot of books.” Histories and How To’s. Fiction and non-fiction. Old and new.
Cluttering the shelves of my heart. Demanding attention. Steering my focus away from the One who calls me to Himself.
Following biblical examples
Like the psalmist, I learn to unpack these concerns and distractions before the Father. Asking for wisdom. Seeking help as I clear the clutter. For uninterrupted fellowship with Him.
Like Paul, I sometimes feel distress over conflicts on the outside and fears within. But take note that God provides for His child in the struggles that clutter his heart. Even sending another believer to comfort and encourage. (See 2 Corinthians 7:5-7)
Like the early disciples, I learn to practice remembrance of the gospel. Confessing and repenting of sin. Walking in the grace of His forgiveness.
Rejoicing that my salvation is sealed by the Holy Spirit, but seeing the necessity of being filled with Him. Daily.
And participating in the Body of Christ. Because we need each other. He made us that way and our oneness displays His glory to those who have yet to believe.
Sooner or later?
Clutter doesn’t happen overnight. Sometimes it’s a little here, a little there. But sooner or later we must deal with it. Why not today?
Rejoice that He alone is able. To bring true clarity and order. And He will do it.
Great is His faithfulness.
What about you?
What reminds you to deal with the clutter in your heart? Which Scripture verses have been helpful to you?
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5 replies on “Clear the clutter”
Cluttered heart syndrome-definitely worth deeper thought! Psalm 139!
Amen. Verses 23 And 24! 🙂
I taught SS yesterday and your blog about clearing the clutter is another reminder of my need — in my mind and in my home. Thank you , Susan, you expressed it so beautifully.
Thank you, Evelyn😊. I’m looking at my current clutter as I write this😂
Sitting down to have my QT usually helps me focus. Or meditating on a verse. Sometimes I have to stop and write down what’s cluttering my thoughts.