The challenge given to us that day was purposeful. Powerful.
To stay in the Word like our lives depend on it. Because they do. And to speak the Word like their lives depend on it. Because they do.
We caught the urgency. To share with the millions. And with the neighbor across the street.

With the millions
I confessed to the Lord that day my exhaustion. We were living right there in the midst of those millions. In the press of crowds on the streets and on every form of transportation.
A city of 26 million, give or take a few.
We felt the weight of lostness day in and day out. Spiritual darkness up close and personal.
I recognized how feeble and few my words were at times. As I shared the gospel across cultures.
Empty streets
Today I live in the clean lines of a suburban neighborhood. America. Where streets feel strangely empty.
It’s easy to go a day or a week on these streets without running into anyone. For conversations that matter.
The urgency is the same. To share the Word like their lives depend on it. Because they do.
But I’m crossing cultures all over again. Looking for words and ways that communicate best the life-giving Truth of the gospel to the ones I meet.
I confess I grow weary in this.
Trust Me
In the midst of my confession, among the millions and on empty streets, He reminds me. Again. “Trust Me.”
Now. Moment by moment. Day by day.
I’m reminded to walk in the Spirit. Surrendered and submitted to His will. Listening and speaking as He leads.
And trust He will fulfill His purpose and plan.
His yoke
Matthew 11:28-30 speaks truth to my soul:
“Take up My yoke and learn from Me, because I am lowly and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
This. Abiding in Christ is this. Rest for my soul as I am yoked to Him.
The many and the one
So I still see the multitudes. Harassed and helpless. Like sheep without a Shepherd.
And I see the individuals. The lost ones that He pursues.
And there are days I need reminders. To take up His yoke again. The yoke of the One who teaches me His way. That I may walk in His truth.
And keep on learning. Trusting. Speaking. Resting.
What about you?
Have you felt weary in the midst of the urgency to share the gospel? What has the Lord taught you about His yoke?
7 replies on “Take up His yoke”
I have certainly felt this way in both cultures! I appreciate your friendship that we can understand one another and encourage one another to keep seeking to abide in Christ. A meaningful post!
And what a joy to see each other recently! Thankful for you, sister.
This! It’s like you put into words exactly what has been on my heart as we spend time in the States for a few months. Context and culture are different, but the loat are the lost no matter where and while it is one of the deepest burdens of my heart to run to them and share the truth of the gospel, I also find my heart is selfish and easily distracted. Prone to wander as the old hymn says. But praise be to Him who’s Spirit leads us even when we stray. Love your blog Susan!
Thankful for you, sister, and continuing to lift you up as you follow Him–here and there!
Lately I’ve been tuning my heart to hear His release from the “have to” voices in my head. His yoke is better than the demands of others.
Yes it is. Thankful for His Word and the words of godly followers that have helped me understand that through the years. Thanks for sharing!
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