Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir

Be alert and pray

“Momma. Momma.” I woke from a deep sleep. In the middle of the night. 

Jenna, 6 or 7 years old at the time, was standing next to the bed. Pressing my arm. 


“I heard a voice. Like this…” her voice changed from sweet innocence to a guttural growl. “‘Jenna, I’m going to get you.’ And there were two red eyes. And he laughed like this…” It was an evil laugh. 

I sat up straight in bed. On high alert. Heart pounding. Wide awake.

Jenna on the right, with friends in kindergarten.
Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir

Parenting in the spiritual battle

The journals come in all sizes. Most have survived extremes. Dust and drought. Mold and humidity. It shows. 

They hold my life records. The common, daily occurrences of a cross-cultural life. The ongoing spiritual battle. 

And the struggles of our children in the midst of it all.

Constant illnesses. Anxieties. Hurt. Fears.

In dust and drought. Mold and humidity.

A few journals from the collection.
Devotional Making Disciples

The fear of the Lord

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom…” (Proverbs 9:10). I was a child with childlike faith, starting to read my new red Bible on my own. 

And Proverbs was my favorite. 

Proverbs 9:10