Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir

“Let the little children…”

During those first years in Karachi, I struggled to find a place of morning quiet. With the Lord. 

We were navigating the muddle of culture shock and power breakdowns. Learning a language with completely new sounds and an unfamiliar alphabet. 

Trying to establish a rhythm for preparing clean water to drink. For getting food on the table. Daily.

And figuring out how to parent our children. I gave birth to our first child at the age of 33. And soon experienced what I now refer to as “mother shock.”  

Murree, Pakistan. 1993.
Crossing Cultures Making Disciples

Keep singing

The wilderness soundtrack sounds like desert thirst. Barren field. Little fruit. 

We sit in a conference with workers from some of those fields. Where the gospel has been sung. Refrain after refrain. 

To no response.

Their voices strain at the chords. Lament in the place of veiled hearts. Where darkness is palpable. 

I remember. The struggle to keep singing in the land where captives remained captive. Hearts closed to the One and Only.

Keep singing. Photo by John Price, Unsplash