Devotional Making Disciples


It’s no secret. There’s strategy in advertising. A bid for my buy-in. 

“If you conform, you’ll truly be successful.” In your field. Home. Community. Life.

“Purchase that to make your life complete.” “Wear this particular clothing line to fit in and stand out.”

“You’ll never move ahead if you don’t hold to this worldview.” 

So they say. Or insinuate. Messaging at every turn.

Conform. Image by Anthony Rosset on Unsplash.

Such as it is

Jars filled with water. Outwardly common. Inwardly plain. 

Others know what we’re made of. See the flaws. Rough edges. They remember the ordinary ways we walk and talk. 

But we surrender. To the One who receives this offering. 

Such as it is.

Such as it is. Simple jars. Image by Tom Crew on Unsplash
Devotional Memoir

Heart and soul

In the realm of heart and soul,
You ask for all.
Hands open,
I give the
incomplete all
that I know.
You receive.
Tenderly. Welcoming
broken parts,
scattered pieces
of a repentant,
You save the sin-sick soul.

Heart and soul. Image by Debby Hudson on Unsplash.