Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir


1971. Our family travels to a town in the mountains for the mission’s annual meeting.  

And I’m participating in the youth gathering.

What I remember? The impact still felt today?

Two testimonies. 

And what happens next.

1971 meeting
Devotional Making Disciples


Joshua receives the exhortation. “Be strong and courageous.” Hearing it loud and clear. Multiple times.

From the Lord. And from the people. (Joshua 1:6,7,9,18)

He’s stepping into leadership after one of the greatest leaders of all time. Moses. 

Certainly not for the faint of heart, this. Leading the multitudes. And entering the Promised Land.

Then. At the end of his life. He delivers the exhortation.

Exhortation. Image by Tim Wildsmith on Unsplash.