Devotional Making Disciples

What are you looking for?

“What are you looking for?”

The question. Directed to two disciples of John. Earlier, they hear their teacher say, “Look, the Lamb of God!” as Jesus walks by. And they take off after Him.

Now they’re trailing behind on the path.

Jesus turns. And asks.

What are you looking for? Image by Jehyun Sung on Unsplash.
Devotional Memoir

Something more

Christmas approaches. Like a freight train. It’s that time of year.

Loud in commercials and sales. Glitz and glitter. Richly-colored wrapping and ribbons and bows. 

Bright trees. Exquisite nativities. Christmas baking on point.

And the music. Playlists mixing winter themes and manger scenes. O Holy Night and a blue Christmas without you.

In the midst of it all? Hunger for something more.

Something more. Image by Chris Vanhove on Unsplash.


Never fails to catch my heart. Luminous words about the Savior. Back in the major and minor prophets.

Mystery to the listeners. 

But revealed to us in the New Testament and the coming of Christ.

Today, consider Isaiah 64 and Israel’s prayer. 

Savior. Empty cross, empty tomb! Image by Aaron Burden on Unsplash.