
The way of escape

We walked into a solitary confinement cell at Alcatraz. Dark and small.  With double doors to keep out any light. No way of escape.

Solitary confinement cell in Alcatraz prison.

The prisoners that were allowed to look outside or walk to the yard, had stunning views of San Francisco and the surrounding towns. Beautiful hills and shores.

But those in solitary saw nothing much beyond the confining walls of their dark cells.


Integrity matters

This spring we looked for a car. A reliable used car. It’s been years since our last search. The integrity of the car—and the car salesman—matters. It did then. It does today.

But car-shopping has changed. Now you can shop online and find a fairly detailed history of the vehicle you’re interested in. The number of owners. Where it’s been registered. If it’s been in any accidents or had any recalls.

Are there any dents, scratches, or chipped paint? There’s a “360-degree” visual of the exterior and the interior. Most of the research is accomplished before you ever set eyes on the car or take it out for a drive. 

Back in the day, someone could hide a vehicle’s history. Make it look good. Hit all the sales points with conviction. We searched for a trustworthy used car salesman. Wondered if the car was truly as good on the inside as it looked on the outside.

Integrity matters.

Devotional Uncategorized

Clay jar and the Potter

I keep it on my desk. This broken piece of a red clay. What remained after the common clay jar fell off the shelf one day. My one semester in pottery class taught me a lot about clay and kilns. And the fragility of earthen vessels. One small pebble could break apart a potter’s masterpiece as it was formed on the wheel or as it baked in the kiln.