Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir

Peace. Be still.

In cross-cultural living over the years, daily conversations provide interesting entry points. For the gospel.

Asking the Spirit for wisdom, I watch and listen. Then see opportunities to share truth. Relating stories from Scripture. 

In South and Southeast Asia, I notice one particular account often comes up. Addressing fears–named and unnamed. Pointing to our Savior. 

That time Jesus said, “Peace. Be still.”

“Peace. Be still.” Image by Silas Baisch on Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir

Not so brave

People look at where you’ve been. Or where you’re headed. Noticing which trials have whipped or trudged through your life. 

And then decide you’ve got unusual fortitude. Courage. Perseverance to endure. 

“You’re so brave. I could never do that.”

I’m not so brave.

Earthen vessel. Image by Earl Wilcox on Unsplash.
Devotional Making Disciples Memoir


Morning exercise at sunrise. Walking at a fast clip, tuned in to a podcast. Suddenly, there it is. Fragrance. 

Distinct. Sweet. I don’t even have to look.


Stopping, I turn and see. Down the the slope. A riot of honeysuckle blooms. Taking over the thicket. 

Honeysuckle. Image by Dieter Staab at Pixabay.