Devotional Memoir

Untraceable ways

The shifting in our souls comes unbidden. Change is on the way. Undefined and unexplained. Untraceable.

Yet we know.

This surprises. Perplexes. How do we leave the incomplete? People we love? Those yet to turn and follow Christ? 

We bring questions and loose ends before Him. Wrestle in prayer. Wanting specifics, really.


Mystery and wonder. Image by Benjaminrobyn Jespersen on Unsplash.
Devotional Making Disciples

Be holy

Holy. Holy. Holy. Echoing through the old covenant. And God is clear about the requirements. For coming into His Presence. Following His plan.

Numbers 16 details the consequences for some who try to do it their own way. After all, they’re entitled. It’s only fair.

But the unconsecrated 
fall dead. 
Careless in their coming. 

Second-guessing God’s appointments. 
Their selfish, personal promotion
on display.  

Be holy (1 Peter 1:15-16).