Crossing Cultures Making Disciples


Resurrection Day 2011. In Delhi, India. We gathered with a body of believers from different nations and people groups. 

We came to Christ out of a variety of religions and cultural traditions and family backgrounds. Some repented and believed as children. Others turned and followed Him in adulthood. 

Each one’s testimony detailing a unique journey to salvation.

He is risen!

On that Resurrection Day we worshiped together as one, in Spirit and in truth. Brothers and sisters in the Lord. 

“Christ the Lord is risen!”
“He is risen indeed!”

The next morning I retrieved and dusted off The Times of India newspaper that landed everyday on the balcony of our second-floor flat. I opened it to the front page. And a striking headline.

Empty garden tomb.
Crossing Cultures Devotional Making Disciples


The temple is dark. Noisy with chants. Crowds press through. Men, women, children bowing before multiple idols.

Shiny cloth drapes several of these gods. Gods of stone and clay and metal.  

Idol shop in the market.

I watch a father guide his young son from one graven image to the next. Showing him how to bow, what to say, where to place the offering. 

A way of life. Inherited. Passed down from one generation to the next. 

Standing there in the dark, I feel the weight of it.