

After Christmas song and celebration. Days before a new year dawns. 

Welcome stillness. In your chair. On a porch. In the woods. At a coffee shop.

And take time for remembrance.

Practice a simple scroll through the past year’s calendar. Or go on a longer walk through your journals.

Wait. Listen.

Stillness. Image by Hannah Gullixson on Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir

Makeshift altar

Our firstborn was 14 weeks old when we moved overseas. En route to Pakistan. 

The week before we left America, I held her close and wept. Quietly. With the door shut. In the bedroom at my in-laws’ home.

I asked the Lord, “What are we doing to our little girl?” 

The weight of leaving what we knew and going to the unknown hit me hard that day as I rocked Becca in my arms. 

But we finished packing our trunks and suitcases. Then boarded the Thai Airways flight across the ocean.

On our way. 1992.
Devotional Uncategorized

Winter pause

calendarIt’s the week between. The winter pause that happens after Christmas celebrations and before New Year’s resolutions. I’ve pulled out the calendar and retrieved 2017 journals to take a look back. To remember and reflect on life experiences, turns in the road, significant “spiritual markers” like those Henry Blackaby referred to in Experiencing God.