Devotional Making Disciples


The children ask, “What do these stones mean to you?”

So they hear stories of remembrance. About the journey to the Jordan. 

And the precise moment priests stuck their toes in the river. While carrying the ark of the covenant.

Their elders say the water just stopped. And piled in a heap. During flood season. When the Jordan regularly overflows its banks. 

And then the riverbed lay dry before them. Ready for their crossing.

Remembrance. Image by Debby Hudson on Unsplash.


They hear about this man. News travels fast along trade routes. Rumors fly down country roads. 

And suddenly, here he is. Walking into their village.

They stand at a distance. Ten men. Diseased. Desperate in their pain and isolation. Unclean.

“Jesus, Master, have mercy on us.” They say it loud. Across the divide.

Quarantine. CDC photo on Unsplash.