Devotional Making Disciples

Winter trees

Winter trees. In crisp air at dawn. Stark. Branches bare. Empty.

The fog drifts in.

As I walk in fading darkness, I think about friends and family members who are suffering.

Standing weary. In the fog of impossible circumstances. Living with ongoing crisis. Conflict. Some with never-ending pain. 

Cold and unrelenting winds whip through the lives of these loved ones.

And I ask how to pray. 

What is His way for trees in winter?

Winter trees. Image by Simon Berger on Unsplash.

All we cannot see

The new year approaches.
And we’re looking sideways at the year that was. 

Planned calendar undone.
Change unexpected.
Grief unwanted.

Up close and personal reminders
of all we do not know. 
All we cannot see. 

All we cannot see. Image by Annie Spratt on Unsplash.
Devotional Memoir

A parent’s cry

“Children are a blessing from the Lord.” 

Truly. Absolutely. Our lives are enriched beyond measure by our three. 

But there were days, of course. In the early years of parenting. When those blessings were standing on my last nerve. 

These three. We love them so! (photo: Jonas Photo, Bandung, 2007)