

The psalmist cries out to the Lord. And God hears his cry, inclining His ear toward a desperate appeal. For mercy.

In the telling of his story, the psalmist goes back and forth. 

Between relief and alarm. Death and rescue. 

The way we often do. 

In the context of crisis. 

Cry out to the Lord. Image by Priscilla du Preez, Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir

The rest of the story

What happened? In the unknown, we wonder. What’s the rest of the story?

A specific encounter comes to mind. One seemingly orchestrated. Timely. A divine appointment with gospel flowing. 

And genuine interest on her part. Hunger to know. In fact, she relates a series of events. That have brought her to this point. This place. 

Sitting in my Karachi living room.

Next page of the story. Image by Florian Klauer on Unsplash.

Divided heart

A divided heart leads to ruin. Fragmented loyalties weaken resolve. 

Consider Solomon. Wise beyond his years. Or anyone else’s.

The divine instructions are detailed. Laid out so clearly. In two recorded encounters with his Maker. (1 Kings 3 and 9)

But he fools around. 
Taking careless, measured steps. 
Away from wholehearted devotion. 

Undivided heart. Psalm 86:11.