Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir


Unknowns pile up, left and right. Closed doors and uncertainty overwhelm. At the ends of the earth. 

Amidst this confusion of crossroads. During a certain season in our lives. Fears creep in. Uninvited.

Then. In the weight of urgent prayer, a passage of Scripture whispers in my thoughts.

Rising gently. Firmly. Pressing through the questions and concerns.

A hymn of praise. Penned by Paul. 

About the Sovereign One. 

Confusion of crossroads. Image by Ryoji Iwata on Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Devotional Making Disciples Memoir


Colorful skeins of thread surround him. And neutral strings on the loom show no pattern to follow. As far as I can see. 

But the old carpet maker knows. 

Thread by thread. Hour by hour. Day by day. 

He works the loom, creating a rich pattern. A map of threads he already had in mind when he started.

The carpet maker at Afghan Carpets in the 1990s. Karachi.
Devotional Memoir


Treasure. In my childhood, any mention of it fascinated me. Inspired imagination. 

Treasure buried. Hidden. The historical findings of archaeological digs revealed in layer after layer. 

The mystery, captivating. How various clues led to discovery. Of riches. And ancient civilizations. 

In those days, I dreamed of becoming an archaeologist. But meanwhile, I was on the lookout. Tracing evidence that might lead to a prize.

An old key I found. Childhood treasure.