Devotional Making Disciples

River of life

Living water flows out through the east gate. In Ezekiel’s vision.

Getting larger. Deeper. The further he walks. 

Fruitful, leafy trees line this ever-growing river of life. Providing for the needs of the people.

And revealing what’s to come.

River flowing through a city. 2023.
Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir


1971. Our family travels to a town in the mountains for the mission’s annual meeting.  

And I’m participating in the youth gathering.

What I remember? The impact still felt today?

Two testimonies. 

And what happens next.

1971 meeting
Devotional Making Disciples

All we need

We have all we need. 

For life. Godliness. And walking by faith in this day and age.

We’re given His Spirit. God’s Word. Prayer. The fellowship of believers. 

Every advantage. 

All we need. Image by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash.