Devotional Memoir


Words. Wrestling through antiquated phrasing and sentence structure in classic devotional books engages my mind. Pushes me to discern. 

New versions come out to simplify the flow for today’s reader.

But I’m drawn back to the original way it was written. How sentences were crafted in that era. 

It makes me think about what I’m reading.

Crossing Cultures Devotional Making Disciples

Abiding in Christ

Abiding in Christ. It seems like a given. The common, daily practice of a follower of Jesus. 

But in the midst of vision casting and formulating strategies for work and life, abiding in Christ too easily moves to the periphery. 

We may take it for granted. Give it only lip service.

photo by nik macmillan on unsplash
Crossing Cultures Devotional Making Disciples

Living in exile

My reading this week is First Peter. An epistle I’m drawn to. Often. 

Perhaps because it addresses those living in exile. Aliens. Temporary residents in foreign lands. 

These are pockets of believers living out the gospel away from their passport country. 

Away from large gatherings of the Body of Christ.