Making Disciples Memoir

Prodigal redeemed

On July 16, 2015, our prodigal’s story changed. Today is the anniversary of that day. And below, in his own words, our son tells his story. Many people across the world prayed for him over several years. Praying for more than they knew at the time. To them we say: Thank you. Here is the answer to those prayers.


The beginning of wisdom

The Proverbs 31 woman. You know who I’m talking about. The description of her daily life has never been an easy read for me.

Don’t get me wrong. I like her ingenuity. I admire her levels of achievement. Her evident wisdom. Truly. 

Think about it.


Set free on the Sabbath

She’s a walking picture of brokenness. 

For more than eighteen years, this daughter of Abraham suffers a spiritual disabling of her physical body. She moves through life unable to straighten up at all. Bent over, face to the ground. Seeing dirt. Rocks. Feet.

Eighteen years of facing dirt, rocks, and feet—wherever she goes.