Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir

Song in the air

“There’s a song in the air. There’s a star in the sky.”

It was always my favorite carol as a kid. At Christmas. 

Years later. In a country with only a small percentage of believers. I was walking through a department store one day and suddenly stopped. Listened.

Christmas music was in the air. Playing over the sound system. Lyrics and all.

“…O come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord!”

There’s a song in the air. Image by David Beale on Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Devotional Making Disciples

Why follow Jesus?

Why would someone risk their life to follow Jesus? Why give up all for Christ? 

Eternal life with Him. Of course. 

But so much more. 

Across the years, we move. Entering new places. Living and learning in various cultures where following Jesus may cost everything. 

And I consider a few of the many reasons for choosing Him. Why I can’t imagine life without my Lord. 

Now and forever.

Why follow Jesus? Image by Alekon Pictures on Unsplash.