Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir


Faithfulness. My parents just celebrated a milestone. Their 66th wedding anniversary. 

Sixty-six years traveling together across oceans. Living in tropical urban centers and American towns. 

A journey marked by great joys. Victories.

And deeply painful losses. Hurts. Dark nights.

The thread running through it all? Faithfulness. 



“Did you hear what she just said? Listen.”

It’s back in the ‘90s. I’m participating in a counseling workshop  in Karachi. Led by a woman from the UK  whose counseling ministry is all about listening. 

She instructs us on the importance of fully taking in what someone is sharing with you. Don’t try to give answers. Don’t start telling your own story.

Just listen. 

Devotional Making Disciples

Open to His Word

In our first meeting, I described how a follower of Jesus sets aside time and space every day for focused communion with the Lord. This conversation on abiding continues each time we meet. We talk about the soul’s need for daily food from the Word of God. And how to come with minds and hearts open to the Truth of Scripture. About the importance of waiting and listening as we pray.

Open hearts

There’s a prayer written multiple times with several variations in my journals. Simple and basic.  “Lord, open my eyes that I may see. Open my ears that I may hear. Open my heart to obey Your Word today.”