I took it for granted growing up. A sense of humor was encouraged and nurtured in our home.
Laughter has refreshed my heart often in the years since. And humor helps me endure. Persevere. Through the mundane. And when the going gets tough.

I took it for granted growing up. A sense of humor was encouraged and nurtured in our home.
Laughter has refreshed my heart often in the years since. And humor helps me endure. Persevere. Through the mundane. And when the going gets tough.
“Lord, you are my portion and my cup of blessing; You hold my future. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance” (Psalm 16:5-6).
Beauty? Our first year of living in Karachi, my eyes saw the sand and dirt. Trash along the roads. The walls and buildings that matched the browns of a desert landscape.
Nothing seemed pleasant. Or beautiful.
I decided “pleasant places” must refer to the believer’s spiritual condition. Certainly not physical surroundings. Not this desert megacity, anyway.