Devotional Making Disciples

Tear your hearts

“Tear your hearts….” The words grab my attention. 

I’m reading the Word of the Lord that came to the prophet. Joel. 

Judgment approaches. The Day of the Lord is coming. And God extends the invitation to return to Him. 

Even now.

In this season. Advent. As we wait and watch. Anticipating the coming of the Savior.

Tear your hearts. Image by Jon Tyson on Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir


“We’ve found Him,” Philip says. Bearing witness. Talking about the Promised One. 

And in the pushback from Nathanael, he doesn’t argue. But simply says, “Come and see.” [John 1:43-51]

Over the years, we sojourn in several different countries. Among various cultures and religious traditions. Doing life with new friends, we hear their stories. Share ours.

Over tea with a friend, I bear witness. Tell the most important Story in my life.  About the Promised One who came. And changed me for eternity.

Teatime. Photo by dungthuyvunguyen at pixabay.
Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir

How can this be?

“How can this be…?” Mary asks. Stunned. Confused by the angel Gabriel’s announcement. 

How can a virgin conceive and give birth to the Son of the Most High whose kingdom will have no end?

The angel is tender in his response to this young woman. Explaining what will happen. That the Holy Spirit will come upon her. And the power of the Most High will overshadow her. 

Glory to God in the Highest! (Olive wood nativity from Bethlehem)