Devotional Making Disciples


Fragments of divided hearts scatter. In the winds of social media. 

Bits and pieces of pride. Rebellion. Hate. Anger. 

And the very avenues that can draw people together, turn and twist. Break trust. Splinter relationships. 

Slander and gossip crowd in.

Calculated deception. 

Articulated for the very purpose of division and destruction.

Fragments. Image by Dole on Unsplash.
Devotional Memoir


We drive up the mountain. Travel the winding road through saguaro forest. Vegetation changing as we climb toward the upper elevation.

And pine trees.

Cool air.


One of the times we stopped at Windy Point. Image by yours truly.
Crossing Cultures Devotional Making Disciples


Maps torn at the creases. Unfolded and refolded over the years. Attempts to plot journeys. 

Travels over land. Across the sea.

The flat paper world of continents and countries. Oceans and rivers. Cities. Mountains. Plains. Deserts.

Light-weight and world-at-a-glance. 

Foldable. Disposable. 

Unlike real-life-living in the marks on the map.

Maps. Image by Andrew Neil on Unsplash.