Devotional Memoir


Words. Wrestling through antiquated phrasing and sentence structure in classic devotional books engages my mind. Pushes me to discern. 

New versions come out to simplify the flow for today’s reader.

But I’m drawn back to the original way it was written. How sentences were crafted in that era. 

It makes me think about what I’m reading.

Crossing Cultures Devotional Making Disciples

Night flight

Night flight. The hum of jet engines wraps around me. Creating space for solitude. Thought.

All else is silent. Lights out. Passengers sleep. A few watch small flickering screens, earphones in place. 

Jetspeed on a clear sky night. Across Central Asia. The map says we’re passing over desert. Mountains. Cities and villages.

I watch out the window. 

Night flight view over Asia.
Crossing Cultures Devotional Making Disciples Memoir

Faithful witness

It’s a winter Sunday in Karachi. The late 1990’s. The worship service of the International Church of Karachi closes with the benediction.

Children run outside to play tag on the lawn in the sunshine. And adults filter slowly through the doors onto the patio.

Greeting one another. Stopping to chat and catch up. Pouring and sipping cups of tea in the shade of the carport. 

Tea times after worship at the International Church.

Many linger for these fellowship times after the services. Sometimes for longer than the actual service itself. 

Getting to know one another’s stories. Offering encouragement as we navigate the urban and cross-cultural challenges of living in the megacity. Karachi.