Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir


“We’ve found Him,” Philip says. Bearing witness. Talking about the Promised One. 

And in the pushback from Nathanael, he doesn’t argue. But simply says, “Come and see.” [John 1:43-51]

Over the years, we sojourn in several different countries. Among various cultures and religious traditions. Doing life with new friends, we hear their stories. Share ours.

Over tea with a friend, I bear witness. Tell the most important Story in my life.  About the Promised One who came. And changed me for eternity.

Teatime. Photo by dungthuyvunguyen at pixabay.
Devotional Making Disciples

Earthen vessels

Simple earthen vessels. There they are. 

Wading through laws in Leviticus, I see them. In the details. Amid ritual regulations for priests, Levites, and the people of God. 

Earthenware. Photo by Sebastian del Val, Pixabay.

In these particular earthen pots, they boil the sin offering. That only priests may eat. 

Their use is short-lived in the days of the Old Covenant. Bronze bowls can be scrubbed clean. Earthenware can’t. 

Devotional Making Disciples Memoir

Take the time

My mother tells the story. Her dad was going blind. So every morning she or her sister would stop by the home where he stayed. And read the Bible to him. 

One particular day, Mom was in a hurry. On a tight schedule. She rushed in with no time to spare. Out of breath and talking fast. “So, Daddy, which chapter do you want me to read today?”

In his slow Southern drawl, Grandaddy said “Well, how about Psalm 119?” 

Me perched between my two grandfathers. Waxing eloquent, I’m sure.