Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir

The long obedience

My parents are cleaning out cabinets. And bookshelves. 

They’ve done this before. Purging. For moves across states and across the world.

But this is different. A time for downsizing. Studying space. Deciding what will fit in the next spot. 

They’ll move to a smaller place. One of these days. So now they are paring down. Letting go. 

They push things into my hands when I express interest in a painting. A book. “Take it.”

Faithful. Mom and Dad, 2019.
Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir

How can this be?

“How can this be…?” Mary asks. Stunned. Confused by the angel Gabriel’s announcement. 

How can a virgin conceive and give birth to the Son of the Most High whose kingdom will have no end?

The angel is tender in his response to this young woman. Explaining what will happen. That the Holy Spirit will come upon her. And the power of the Most High will overshadow her. 

Glory to God in the Highest! (Olive wood nativity from Bethlehem)
Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir

Walking, we wait

My earliest memory of waiting? “Wait a minute. Just hold your horses.”  

And the minute is never a minute. 

From childhood I push for immediate fulfillment of desires. Quick resolution of problems and struggles. Longing for what’s just out of my reach. The future.

I want it now.

So I hurry up! And wait.

photo by xu haiwei on Unsplash