Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir

The other pandemic

We meet for lunch. Fellowship over Mediterranean food. Simply connecting while all around us the global spread of a virus ensues. Intensifies.

Events cancel. Borders tighten. Universities move to virtual classrooms. Our best-laid plans are disrupted. Interrupted. Changed.

We sit in sunshine and cool air. Sisters conversing about life journeys. Children. The hard and unexpected turns in the path this past year. The joy of following Him.

Empty chairs. Photo by Dewang Gupta, Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Devotional Making Disciples Memoir


Storm. Sometimes it comes out of nowhere. Fierce. Sudden. Unpredictable. 

The recent tornado in Tennessee roared through. In the middle of the night. Unexpected. Devastating.

Today COVID19 continues spreading across the globe at a rapid pace. Insidious. Unsettling. Unknown.

And traveling along under the radar, another kind of storm. Often unspoken. Filtering through conversations and across the airwaves. 


Storm. Photo by Luka Vovk. Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir

Sharing hope in the dark

We dodge auto rickshaws and taxis and goats, crossing a main road. Ten years ago in India. 

Our guide asks if we can go to the red light district and pray.  Saying, “Be ready. The spiritual battle is intense.” 

We step around the corner, into a lane. And I see them. Women in front of narrow doorways on a broken street. Some just sitting. Staring. 

Others take care of daily tasks—cooking rice, washing clothes, feeding children. 

Ordinary things. 

Down the dark lane. Photo by Lakshay, Unsplash photos.